Sabrina San Miguel (she/her) is a storyteller, poet, & Texas native. Born and raised in Denver Heights on the east side of San Antonio, she holds a B.A in English & Gender Studies as well as a M.A. in English. Sabrina is a 2018 Macondo Writers Workshop fellow. Her most recent work appears in the LA Times, Latinx Writing & Rhetoric Studies, The Rumpus, and others. She was a 2020 Frontier Poetry Open finalist., a City of San Antonio Status of Women poet, and a 2022 Brooklyn Poets Staff Pick. Her work is heavily centered around women, sisterhood as medicine, healing, and survival. She is currently writing a book while raising 3 children.

Resume (PDF)

Artist Statement of Work

Tell us about your work (style, approach, philosophy, subject and/or theme):

My writing is multifaceted, weaving in and out of different genres all documenting my own lived experience in different ways. My approach is that of power, poignancy, and yet still accessible to those who are not scholars and avid book readers but who can appreciate relating to someone who has been in the trenches before and at times still is. My writing explores the complexities of womanhood, sisterhood as medicine, navigating what it means to mother, to mentor, to do things you had no model for-- touching on themes like love, forgiveness, rage, growth, and resilience. I want my audience to feel inspired to tell their own stories, to dig deep within themselves and uncover their own source of magic. I want to be seen as a homegirl, an auntie, a leader, a sister. Someone that isn't afraid to be seen trying and writing and telling my stories, sometimes of love and how it nearly killed me but didn't. My work reminds the reader that I do not have all the answers but I will continue to uncover my own truths and learn from them and forgive and set boundaries and change my mind if I would like to. I am a storyteller, a poet, a future ancestor. I write because I know that I have inherited intergenerational traumas but I have also inherited intergenerational joy and love.

Culturally Specific Art Category

Select Culturally Specific Art Category:: Hispanic or Latino/a/x, American Indian or Alaska Native

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