My name is Daisy Cortes, I was born and raised in El Paso but have been living in San Antonio for 13 years. My art Company is called Mizu Foo, my art form is abstract, emotional, and dark. Much of my inspiration comes from my real life and dream experiences. I’ve been an artist since I could hold a pencil, the passion for art has continued throughout my life. I work with various mediums such as charcoals, pen, graphite, acrylic, oils, clay, sculpting, 3D pieces, and mixed media. I love to blend ideas together when working on a project for a client, creative control gives me the freedom to deliver the vision needed when taking in ideas from the client. I have showcased my pieces a few times at the Pancakes and Booze International Art Gallery, I also have some illustrations in a poem book called Daughter of the sun.


Resume (PDF)

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