
This is the domain of the nefarious Noodleman (b. 2004)! A creative at their core, this pasta-powered producer has their hand in a variety of different modes of creation. From the visual work of illustration and pixel art to the new-age arts of game design and development to the primeval art of storytelling, his skill-set refines and expands by the daily. They have been spotted with arms full of comics, video games, and the occasional vinyl record or two. Tread their vicinity with extreme caution, lest you desire to be tainted to dangerous ideas

The main dangers of the Noodleman can be found in his convictions. As a queer, black, and neurodivergent youngster, the artist claims the “matrix of oppression” has done great harm to them and people like them, and they have dedicated their enigmatic existence to creating media, large and small, to bring solace, awareness, and hope to the many people in their circles who desire it. In a wild world of recycling hatred for new targets, yet refusing to recycle paper and plastic, that noodle-nerd believes it takes bespectacled bohemians like them to raise morale and motivate others into bettering their communities.


Artist Statement of Work

Tell us about your work (style, approach, philosophy, subject and/or theme):

Creative History

For as long as I've been retaining seeds of memory in my cerebral salad, I have also been scribbling a picture or scrawling ideas for stories to be developed. All forms of art have been an arterial route of expression for me, and a day hasn't passed where I have reconsidered where I invest my time. I'm practically buzzing with ideas for narratives or the urge to pull out some multimedia paper and doodle. In my experience, I live and breathe through my ability to create and share art with others, both in real life and online.


I hold the firm and unwavering belief that art and media has the ability to inspire something people. It simple and surface level, such as a change in their mood, but the more deep and specific, the bigger the impact. It could be a change in a viewer's philosophy. A change their long-term behavior and mood, even. Now more than ever, I believe that artists need to be aware of their influence and use it to uplift and inspire greater thought or complex emotions in the people around us.

Creative Process

Before the first pen stroke, my baby steps towards main production start with research. Researching begins with trying to make a real-world analysis on the concepts printing on my screen. I ask questions such as:

  • Why is this concept so compelling?
    • Which demographics does this concept resonate with?
  • What is it's historical or political context?
  • How can I integrate it into a powerful message?
  • Where is my message relevant?

Following that, I draft a few design ideas, before picking one or a combination of designs I enjoy. Once I begin, it's fairly simple: I work, save and share drafts with colleagues for feedback, and then share or pocket the final product for later once I'm done. The main meat of my artistic labor comes from research and experimenting.


Culturally Specific Art Category

Select Culturally Specific Art Category:: Black or African American


  • Gallery 1 - Made in Aseprite and Paint.Net.
  • Gallery 2 - Made in Aseprite and Paint.Net.
  • Gallery 3 - Made in FireAlpaca.
  • Gallery 4 - Concept Art, Made in Aseprite and Paint.Net.
  • Noodle Bowl! ~ 2022

Contact information
