Apologies for the oversight. Let’s revise that:In the heart of San Antonio, where dreams take root and blossom, I’m Paris Grant—a musician, a performer, and a storyteller. My journey with music began long before college; I started writing songs at the tender age of 11, pouring my heart into melodies that echoed the emotions swirling within me.By the time I reached college, the stage had become my second home. I traded pen and paper for spoken word, weaving tales of love, loss, and resilience into verses that reverberated through the crowded halls of local bars. With each performance, I found my voice, my rhythm, and my place in the world of music.San Antonio became my canvas, its streets and alleys serving as the backdrop for my lyrical adventures. From intimate gatherings to larger-venues, I shared my stories with anyone willing to listen, each word a testament to the power of music to connect, to heal, and to inspire.And now, as I continue to write, to perform, and to advocate for the power of music in our community, I carry with me the memories of those early days—the days when a young girl with a dream first put pen to paper and dared to share her voice with the world.

Artist Statement of Work

Tell us about your work (style, approach, philosophy, subject and/or theme):

My work is like a patchwork quilt, each piece stitched together with threads of emotion and experience. I approach music and photography with a sense of curiosity and passion, always seeking to capture the essence of a moment or a feeling.In my music, I blend elements of soul, folk, and storytelling, weaving together lyrics that speak to the heart and melodies that linger in the soul. Whether it's a ballad about love lost or an anthem of resilience, my songs are always deeply personal, drawn from my own life and the lives of those around me.When it comes to photography, I see the world through a lens of wonder and awe. Whether I'm capturing the beauty of a sunset or the raw emotion in someone's eyes, my goal is always to evoke a sense of connection and understanding. I believe that every photograph has a story to tell, and I strive to capture those stories with honesty and authenticity.At the core of my work lies a simple philosophy: to be true to myself and to my art. I believe that authenticity is the key to creating meaningful work that resonates with others. Whether I'm writing a song or snapping a photo, I always approach my work with honesty, integrity, and a deep respect for the craft.As for subjects, I'm drawn to the beauty of everyday life—the moments of joy, sorrow, and everything in between. Whether it's the laughter of children playing in the park or the quiet solitude of a rainy afternoon, I find inspiration in many places, including the journeys of rap legends who paved the way for artists like myself. Their stories of triumph over adversity, their raw honesty, and their unapologetic expression of self have had a profound impact on my own artistic journey. Artists like Tupac Shakur, who used his music to shine a light on social issues, and Lauryn Hill whom which I share a birthday,  whose lyrical prowess and soulful delivery continue to resonate with audiences around the world, have inspired me to use my voice to speak truth to power and to share my own stories with authenticity and passion. Whether I'm writing rhymes or crafting beats, I draw inspiration from the legacies of these rap legends, channeling their energy and creativity into my own work.

Culturally Specific Art Category

Select Culturally Specific Art Category:: Black or African American

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