My Journey started in 1983 I’ve always had a passion for music.  Bands like Areosmith, Judas Priest, Scorpions got me going before long i thought how cool it would be to play guitar in a rock band, at the time i was playing tenor saxophone in junior high working my way to first chair crazy as it may be i made first chair but during the summer i decided to dedicate my time to electric guitar my music teacher was so dissapointed. My first band was named Triganox all of us went to the same High School those days were great we eventually recorded a few original songs got a little air play, and opened for The Killer Dwarfs (a national act).  Triganox broke up after a couple of years. I got married and raised a family for twenty five years i stayed away from music., but now that the kids are gone i decided to give another shot at writing and sharing my music.  I’m retired and plan to spend most of my time performing, writing, and promoting hope to spread good vibes and cheer and maybe gain a few friends.  


Artist Statement of Work

Tell us about your work (style, approach, philosophy, subject and/or theme):

I currently have a self titled EP includes four songs The Cucaracha song, My Eyes, Love it Leave it, Love devastation,  released in Jan, 2021  streaming on most platforms. I have a lyric video of my Cucaracha song on You Tube The Cucracha song and my song My Eyes are my most popular. I have been a classic rock fan most of life my original music includes a distorted electic guitar with plenty of rythym and crunch.  I also write latin rock, but recently have started writing Christian or positive music. There are times when a song is just as strong as a word from a friend.  I want to write songs that spread hope and cheer and reinforces the good in all of us.  My faith based song Faith will be released January 2023.

Culturally Specific Art Category

Select Culturally Specific Art Category:: Hispanic or Latino/a/x


  • A Halloween love song. A girl infatuated with a boy sneaks into his room dressed as a cucracha and waits to suprise him. The lyric video has a dia de los muertos theme.

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