M. Mellissa Marlowe

M. Mellissa Marlowe


Website: http://www.mellissamarlowe.com

   1530 Santa Barbara, San Antonio, TX, 78201

Mellissa Marlowe is a director, performer, writer, and costumer for the theatre, who specializes in bringing new works to the stage and adapting classics for modern audiences. She has written several short plays that have been produced on local stages, and she has performed in over fifty theatre productions and directed more than forty plays.  Her work as a performer has been described as “haunting” at times and as “wickedly funny” at other times.  Her work as a director is provocative and captivating.  Mellissa firmly believes that theatre has a dual purpose – to provoke and to entertain.  Her aesthetic is visually spare and aurally intoxicating.  Her focus is on ideas and words; the “music” of the production is always clearly communicated.  She has a great love of people and great hope for the future.

Mellissa holds a B.A. in Drama from Trinity University, and an M.A. in Theatre Arts from Texas State University.  She is an Assistant Professor and the Coordinator of the Drama Program at Northwest Vista College.