Ohso Fabone

Ohso Fabone

Website: https://ArtofOhso.com

   13110 Moselle Frst, Helotes, TX, 78023

Ohso is a self-taught, mixed media artist, born & raised in New Orleans, LA! After hurricane Katrina destroyed her home and business her family relocated to Texas. Although her family history is riddled with trauma her work often repeats the themes of peace, beauty, strength, and growth thru wisdom. Ohso is on the Autism Spectrum with Asperger’s Syndrome. She also suffers from chronic pain, from Osteoarthritis which primarily affects her hands and legs; however, she remains productive as an Internationally Collected Artist, exhibiting throughout the US and Abroad.
"I paint imaginative, 3-D composition portraits of Women of Color. My mediums of choice are acrylic, celluclay and sculptamold but I often incorporate airbrush, pastels, ink, fabric paint, collage, markers & watercolors. My metaphorical works often include Biblical Symbolism, Flora & Fauna (specifically endangered species) as well as African & Scandinavian influences with traditional African hairstyles & Adinkra Symbols. Many pieces feature women with "Flowing Tresses".  I refer to the repetition and motion of the lines as "Living Waters" because it's a reminder of the Holy Spirit that dwells in believers of Jesus, and also in early African civilizations as well as some communities today, black hairstyles indicate social status, tribe, family background, make political statements, be a source of empowerment, and act as a conduit for spiritual interaction to God."