Enrique Gutierrez

Enrique Gutierrez


Website: https://enriquegtz.com/

   414 Storeywood Dr., San Antonio, TX, 78213

Artist Statement

Through painting I get rid of repetitive thoughts and ideas. My process is usually meditative and improvised, combined with previously drawn sketches. Organic and unexpected forms are an important part of my work. I am interested in anything that can help me understand the world around me and myself better.

I often use imagery from my dreams, previous sketches, and compositions in my paintings. I also like to experiment with color combinations, which I find to be similar to food cravings. I can't stop thinking about a certain color combination until I use it.

I am currently exploring the use of straight lines, gradients, organic shapes, bright colors, and earthy colors to create a sense of movement, depth, and multidimensionality . I am also incorporating elements of imaginary and real landscapes and floating objects to explore my interest in nature, the spiritual world, and the relationship between control and freedom.