Misti Rainwater-Lites

Misti Rainwater-Lites

Author/Writer - Filmmaker - Literary Arts - Media Arts - Mixed Media Artist - Photographer - Visual Arts - Voiceover - tarot reader


Blog URL: https://dondeestaeldiscochupacabra.blogspot.com/

   11414 Roadrunner, San Antonio, TX, 78245

I've lived in San Antonio off and on (mostly on) since June 2012. In June 2016 I received my bachelor of arts in English with a concentration in creative writing from UTSA. I've sold a few paintings locally but mostly sell my images at my redbubble storefront. I have numerous YouTube channels and that is where I spend the majority of my time, shuffling tarot cards and creating experimental short films. My latest fascination is abstract audio. I have written numerous novels and poetry collections. My short story collection Clown Gravy will be published in October 2023 on Roadside Press.