Shelby Criswell

Shelby Criswell

Author/Writer - Graphic Artist - Illustrator - Literary Arts - Media Arts - Mixed Media Artist - Painter - Visual Arts - Comic Arts


   5610 Rosillo Gate, San Antonio, TX, 78222

Shelby Criswell is a San Antonio Native comic book artist, graphic designer, and illustrator. They've worked with The Nib, Santa Fe Reporter, San Antonio Current, Eternosteelo, Asleep At The Wheel, and many more cool people. Shelby's work has been seen in the award-winning comic anthology, "Be Gay Do Comics" as well as their debut graphic novel, "Queer As All Get Out," which is a reflection on growing up in San Antonio as a genderqueer person. They love riding the local trail system on their touring bike, playing banjos, drinking lots of coffee, and birdwatching.