Mark Hogensen Hogensen

Mark Hogensen Hogensen

   402 Cedar, San Antonio, TX, 78210

Investigating the realm of perception has always been at the forefront of my painting and drawing experience.

For me, art making has been and is about the interpretation, alteration and reorganization of expected perceptions.  Each of the elements that make up our surroundings seemingly beg for a re-assignment or new orchestration.

In the 1980’s, I began painting and drawing on irregular shaped forms. This was a natural evolution for me, in that I always felt compelled to complete a gestural action that was limited by the edge or frame of a rectangle. When I encounter a self imposed drawn border, I can accept or reject its’ “finality”.  The frame, or border becomes a device to draw behind, on top of or in some cases to spill out of.

In these drawings I reference textures and patterns in articulating shapes that are forced into uneasy associations.  These drawings have no preconceived master plan or even any idea of where they will end up.  They all start with random gestural marks that slowly evolve into ideas that then compete for attention. Eventually, they meld into a composition that takes the hard-earned, time-honored rules of perspective and disobey!

I am envious of the subtleties of illusionary space – the kinds of things that make you look twice  - things that present themselves in a disguise – something that you “know” but are still surprised to see.