Alexis Escarfullery

Alexis Escarfullery


 (512) 317-2882

   215 E Cevallos St. Apt 432, San Antonio, TX, 78204

First generation immigrant, born and raised in Monterrey, Mexico. I had to leave my country at 19, a plan that took 4 years to accomplish. Life for me as an adventurer started then. However, life as an artist really starts after I moved to the beautiful State of Texas after another 4 year stint in Spain, where I graduated with a Masters in Film Direction. In over 16 years of living in central Texas I've fallen in love over and over, with its artistic diversity, its people, its ecosystems of delicate balance, forces of nature and destruction, which in exchange, have helped me evolve and profusely redefine myself as a person and a filmmaker. This is why, it is with great honor that I shine the light on others where I can.