Isaura Contreras

Isaura Contreras

   227 Wickes St, San Antonio, TX, 78210

A writer, Isaura Contreras (Mexico, 1982) has lived in the United States since 2012. In 2018, she received a doctorate in Hispanic literature from the University of California, Los Angeles, and is currently an Assistant Professor of Latin American literature and creative writing in the University of Texas at San Antonio. Her publications include a children’s book (Un día en Kilimanján, 2012), an academic monograph (Alejandra Pizarnik: Diarista, 2022), and two novels: La casa al fin de los días (2007) and Cosecha de verano (2010), which earned her the Rosario Castellanos National Short Novel Award and is forthcoming in English translation by: Rebecca Bowman. Isaura has received grants in support of her writing from Mexico’s Fondo Nacional de la Cultura y las Artes (National Fund for Arts and Culture) and Canada’s Banff Center. In 2023, Isaura was selected to be part of an International Non-fiction Anthology, Desmadres (Argentina). She has published essays and short stories in Revista de la Universidad de México, Luvina, Tierra Adentro, Literal Magazine, Párrafo Magazine, and Words without Borders