Henry B. Gonzalez

"Henry B. Gonzalez" by Houston artist LarryLudtke is a life-size standing portrait figure of Gonzalez in a suit. His arms are bent with hands in front of chest. The index finger points to the center finger on left hand which is open.

Location: Downtown

Medium type: Bronze

Date created: 1987

Dimensions: 78" x 27" x 22" x 47", base 6" x 49"



200 Market St., San Antonio, TX, 78205

Additional Information

Accession Number: 2001.LUD.1
District: 1
Location: Convention Center on corner of South Alamo St and East Market St
Location Interior/Exterior: exterior
Alt URL: http://www.amazon.com/Life-Bronze-Lawrence-Ludtke-Sculptor/dp/1603449434


San Antonio Public Art Map