San Pedro Springs Park Project

Artist Jack Robbins created a series of porcelain enamel markers for San Pedro Springs Park, working for three years with an array of groups to ensure historical and cultural accuracy. Robbins’ images are visually and conceptually complex. For example, his “Beginnings” panel is derived from a drawing of the wall of the human heart as seen through an electron microscope. The artworks also incorporate the park’s history, including descendants of the Coahuitecan tribe who inhabited the area before Spanish explorers arrived in 1709.

Location: Parks

Medium type: Porcelain Enamel; Tile

Date created: 2000

Associated artists


1315 San Pedro Ave, San Antonio, TX, 78212

Additional Information

Accession Number: 2001.ROB.1
District: 1
Location: San Pedro Springs Park


San Antonio Public Art Map