Having lived an eclectic life, spanning across seven countries, leading me to study sculpture at the National Art School in Sydney, Australia, coming home was not where I saw my future. After having to return to San Antonio from an artist residency in Vallauris, France March 2020, I needed to find a slower pace and guide the direction of my practice. Like so many of us left in confusion and upheaval over the pandemic years it has been a journey filled with incredible change. I began 2020 weakened from a life saving emergency bowel resection. Then traveled to Europe with bronchitis from the Australian fires.  Unsurprisingly, a recent chrischendo of health issues and hospital stay led to my diagnosis with the connective tissue disease, Lupus. Since my 2019 surgery my intuitive response is always to create. Even if I am physically working through pain there is a need to release through abstracted forms with intended beauty.

Resume (PDF)

Artist Statement of Work

Tell us about your work (style, approach, philosophy, subject and/or theme):

Dani Becknell is a Texas-based sculptor predominantly working in clay. Becknell’s eclectic practice is driven by personal experience and her response to the surrounding world in order to physically and emotionally digest. These spiritually informed works are a unique evolution of habitat born of botanicals, sea forms and unprocessed elements abstracted by her imagination then physically manifested through her hands. Becknell is creating a whimsical aesthetic that transcends our observational world, each work becoming a healing gesture, enlivening spaces with an intuitive expression of physicality intended to both release and replenish.


  • Gallery 1 - Dani Becknell
  • Gallery 2 - Dani Becknell
  • Gallery 3 - Dani Becknell
  • Gallery 4 - Dani Becknell
  • Gallery 5 - Dani Becknell
  • Gallery 6 - Dani Becknell
  • Gallery 7 - Dani Becknell
  • Gallery 8 - Dani Becknell
  • Gallery 9 - Dani Becknell
  • Gallery 10 - Dani Becknell
  • \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'Enigma I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' 2019.

Contact information
