Film has always inspired the actions in my life. Growing up movies were the most impressionable and influential art that inspired the creativity that I reflected in my work. This is why I chose to work with the film industry within San Antonio. For years I’ve spent studying film styles, cinematography, photography, acting, directing, and many forms of editing to ensure that I can create the most proficient content for both my clientele, and those who pursue the same goals as I do.  With each year my skills as both an artist and professional grow and I intend to prove that through my work. As of 2024 I have started a production company, Dark Phoenix Productions LLC, which is dedicated to helping filmmakers and content creators alike in bringing the ideas we all would love to see come to life. It is through determination and dedication to the art of film that has made this dream, and many more become reality.

Resume (PDF)

Artist Statement of Work

Tell us about your work (style, approach, philosophy, subject and/or theme):

When it comes to the projects I create I tend to work around the story of what I'm creating. If there's a certain theme or subject I need to follow, I try to implement those in more subtle ways rather than to make the entire idea about it. Every project I create plays on emotion. Whether it's fear, sorrow, happiness, I want to be able to express a particular emotion in my projects to my audience, and receive the same emotions from my viewers as well.

Culturally Specific Art Category

Select Culturally Specific Art Category:: Hispanic or Latino/a/x

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